Newsletter 9-Mar 2024

Today's Newsletter features the following Health eBook Topics:

  • 10 ancient mushrooms that supercharge your brain (in many ways)

  • The first sign of heart disease is a heart attack (protect yourself)

  • 17 delicious and nutritious immune boosting teas (valued at $27)

  • Learn how to master resilience, and bounce back from anything

10 Ancient Mushrooms to Boost Brain Power and Release Stress

The mushroom that shields the brain from stress, anxiety and depression.

The mushroom which holds the key to enhanced mental clarity and focus.

The mushroom powerhouse that decreases inflammation and depression.

Discover these 3 & 7 other ancient mushrooms in this eBook, valued at $27.

Dr. Kahn's Guide to Avoiding a Heart Attack

Do you know what the most common first sign of heart disease is?

A Heart Attack!

Yes, you are at risk, even if you have no known symptoms.

In the USA, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds.

Worldwide, the figure is estimated to be a heart attack every few seconds.

But heart attacks can easily be avoiding with a few simple steps.

And this eBook outlines exactly how to stay safe, and avoid heart attacks.

The risk is real. Don’t become a statistic. Protect your life with this guide.

17 Delicious and Nutritious Immune-Boosting Teas

The delicious tea that works against ulcers, heartburn, and food poisoning.

The drinkable berry that reduces effects from the sun, skin irritation & aging.

​​The ayurvedic remedy that decreases MS, rheumatoid arthritis & dermatitis.

​​Discover 17 nutritious immune-boosting teas in this eBook, valued at $27.

The Path of Resilience - Assessment Booklet

Do you want to discover the key to thriving under pressure?

This resilience self-assessment booklet can give you that answer.

It’s not just a guide, but it will teach you how to master resilience, and give you the ability to bounce back stronger from life’s challenges.

The unique assessment tool identifies your resilience strengths and areas for growth, and helps you reduce stress-induced wear and tear on your body.

Get ready to enhance your mental and emotional well-being, and resilience.​​​​​​​​​​

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