Newsletter 7-Jan-2024

Today's Newsletter features the following Health eBook Topics:

  • Protect yourself from the 15 most harmful gut & microbiome toxins

  • How to gain top level breast health and breast function (for women)

  • Fix your blood pressure, triglycerides, and cholesterol with these

  • Thrive beyond cancer with these simple diet and lifestyle changes

The 15 Worst Common Toxins for your Gut & Microbiome Health

Every toxin can harm your gut, but some are more deadly than others.

These eBook details the 15 most harmful toxins for your gut & microbiome.

You’ll learn where they hide in your home, and the best ways to be protected.

The list includes bathroom products, medications, a heavy metal in food, sweeteners, food colors, food additives, cosmetics, and supplements.

​​If you suffer from any sort of gut issues, it’s crucial you read this eBook.

The Breast Owner's Guide to Health

Healthy breasts go hand in hand with a healthy body, so don’t ignore them.

But what are healthy breasts?

Doctors normally tell us that health is the absence of disease, but it’s not.

Health is when our body parts (and a whole) are achieving optimal function.​​​​​​

This eBook tells you how you can immediately improve your breast health.

Unlock the top 10 habits to gain top level breast health and breast function.

The Top 30 Herbs & Spices to Lower your Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Tryiglycerides

Which specific herbs and spices (and how much of each) can help you lower your blood pressure, triglycerides, or cholesterol levels?

​​This eBook gives you the 30 most potent herbs and spices to do just that.

They improve your blood flow, and repair your heart health. ​​

Some that are featured include an “Ayurvedic legend” now in the US, a backyard tree “herb” for heart failure, and a super-spice proven in 7 studies.

Cardiovascular diseases are today’s #1 cause of death, so it’s important to add these herbs and spices to your diet, as it may save your life.

Guide to Thriving

​​​​“You have breast cancer” may be the 4 most devastating words you’ll hear.

It brings up fears, questions about treatments, concerns about changes in your life and your appearance, and the pain and emotions you’ll go through.​​

This guide is your answer to all of those questions and concerns.

Get empowered to thrive beyond breast cancer, by making simple changes in your diet and lifestyle, and improve your health on this journey.

While breast cancer is never a blessing, it is an opportunity to transform your life for the better, and get on a path to improve your overall quality of life.​​​​​​