Newsletter 7-Feb 2024

Today's Newsletter features the following Health eBook Topics:

  • Obesogen toxins in your food and drinks are making you obese

  • How to prepare your body for a detox (it won’t work without this)

  • CPAP can be a horrible experience - but here’s a way to improve it

  • Swap these 8 toxic foods for 8 good foods, to improve your brain

Toxic Weight: 8 Everyday Toxins That Make You Fat

Have you tried every diet and exercise by can’t manage to lose weight?

The reason is there are certain toxins which not only make you fat (scientists have identified 8 of them), but also make losing weight virtually impossible.

For example, there’s chemicals called obesogens in many common food items (and drinks), which cause a metabolism imbalance leading to obesity.

Find out all 8 toxins, how you get exposed to them, and the fastest detox methods to get them out of your body, so the pounds can slide off easily.

The Pre-Tox Protocol

Are you sick of the same old detox advice that never seems to work for you? 

​​It's probably never worked because you didn't prepare your biological terrain.

You can fix this by preparing your body for detox with a Pre-Tox Protocol.

This works for all detoxes, including heavy metals, cellular waste, and toxins.

How To Breathe Through Your Nose For More Comfortable CPAP Therapy

Would you like to have a more comfortable CPAP experience?

This eBook contains all the secrets to making CPAP therapy more tolerable.

The root of the solution lies with nasal breathing, and it can be achieved no matter whether you’re a mouth breather, have allergies, or have a cold or flu.

You’ll also learn about a DIY kit to help you breathe through your nose easily.

Top 8 Brain Healthy Food Swaps

Swapping 1 “toxic” food for 1 “good” food in your diet can have a huge effect.

But there are different foods that are negative or positive for different organs.

This eBook details 8 simple foods swaps that are incredible for the brain.

With these swaps, you can keep your brain sharp as a tack, reduce your risk of all brain diseases, and improve your mental well-being out of sight.