Newsletter 6-Mar 2024

Today's Newsletter features the following Health eBook Topics:

  • The #1 vital mineral for brain health, calming, function and insomnia

  • There are over 80,000 toxins that damage your heart - avoid them

  • 9 superfoods from around the world that create amazing health

  • How to calculate your risk for both heart attacks and strokes

#1 Brain Mineral that Fights Insomnia and Calms Your Mind

There is 1 vital mineral that improves both the quality of your sleep, boosts your ability to function during the day​​, and protects your brain from toxins.

What makes it more important is that most people are severely lacking it.

But it’s not just about taking this mineral, as you need to make sure to take the right amount, because overdoing it can cause serious side effects.

Find out what this crucial brain mineral is in this eBook, valued at $27.

Toxins and Heart Disease

Your heart can keep pumping for 100+ years, without even taking a break.

But sadly, we live in a world with over 80,000 chemicals toxic to the heart.

This had led to there being a new science of staying young at heart.

To keep your heart forever healthy, it’s critical we avoid these heart toxins. ​​

You can find out what they are & the best ways to avoid them in this eBook.

9 Superfoods from India, Uganda, Korea & Italy Your Gut Needs

The common spice that helps with inflammation, digestion, and antioxidants.

The amazing and delicious vegan protein that feeds healthy gut bacteria.

The Uganda root vegetable that stabilizes blood sugar and your microbiome.

Discover these 3 and 6 other global superfoods in this eBook, valued at $27.

What do I do with my High Coronary Calcium CT Results: A Guide

For anyone who’s undergone a Coronary Artery Calcium Score (CACS) test, the results may not be fully understandable, and maybe even frightening.

It’s a reasonably common non-invasive test for current or potential heart disease patients, and is often referred to as the “heart mammogram”. ​​

This eBook ​​by one of the world’s eminent heart experts, Dr. Kahn, will give you a step-by-step guide on how you can interpret your results successfully.

You’ll learn how to calculate your heart attack and stroke risks, know the reasons behind abnormal test results, and what medications are required.

Plus, find out whether you should get further stress tests or a heart catheterization​​​, and actionable steps to reverse atherosclerosis.

​​CACS tests can be daunting, but Dr. Kahn’s guide simplifies the test’s complex medical information into easily understandable insights.

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