Newsletter 3-Feb 2024

Today's Newsletter features the following Health eBook Topics:

  • Beauty product alternatives that work 10x better than the shop ones

  • The simple, at-home tool that fixes sleeping problems at their core

  • Simple brain rewiring techniques for memory, focus and brain health

  • There’s a fountain of youth inside your head - here’s how to access it

7 Common Toxins Lurking In Your Beauty Products

Makeup and lipstick contain dangerous toxins that make you old, including heavy metals that directly cause more wrinkles and premature aging.

By simply replacing your brand label makeup products with natural beauty alternatives, you can reverse the clock by 10 years and truly look younger.

This eBook contains 7 toxins in regular beauty products, details the damage they cause, and will make you realize you should never use them again.​​

And discover natural alternatives that can work 10x better to look younger.​​

Sleep Problems - The PEMF Solution

Are you waking up in the middle of the night, ​​​and struggling with insomnia?

Sleep problems are very common, but taking sleeping pills is not the answer.​​

Discover a simple, at-home tool that fixes sleeping problems at their core.

This is your chance to explore innovative solutions & ​​​​learn from the experts.

Top 10 Ways to Rewire Your Brain

An old dog can’t learn new tricks is a phrase that is also applied to the brain.​

They say the brain can’t be changed once it is damaged or set in its ways.

But this eBook puts that myth to rest, as it shows how to rewire your brain.​​​

Discover brain “rewiring” techniques that are surprisingly simple, ​​yet can help to improve your memory, sharpen your focus, and give better mental health.

The Fountain of Youth Inside Your Head

The power of positivity has a profound effect on your longevity.

​And you can activate maximum longevity with positive mindset exercises.

There are 7 ​specific mindset strategies which flood your brain with positivity.

Find out what they are in this eBook, and how they help you to live longer.