Newsletter 31-Jan-2024

Today's Newsletter features the following Health eBook Topics:

  • 6 foods that all anti-aging experts agree are bad for longevity

  • Why lack of sleep is a huge driver in weight gain (10-15 pounds)

  • 7 science-backed supps for memory, brain fog, and brain diseases

  • How sleep apnea causes Alzheimer’s and brain cognition diseases

Nutrition for Longevity: Top 6 Foods to Avoid

For his longevity summit, Chris Burres interviewed 55 top anti-aging experts.​​​​​

He asked them what the worst foods humans can eat in regards to aging.

There were 6 foods that were commonly agreed upon to be “no-nos”, due to their inflammatory and toxic effects, and they shaved years off lifespans.

Find out what they are in this eBook, why these experts banned these 6 foods from their kitchens, and the science behind their negative effects. ​ ​​​​

How Losing Sleep Makes You Gain Weight

People who sleep less than 6 hours per night gain 10-15 pounds per year.​​

That is what the most recent scientific studies tell us.

Chronic sleep deprivation takes an extreme toll on your health & well-being.​​​​

Getting less sleep than you need actually affects your weight in 4 different ways, and this eBook gives you all the risk factors, plus all the solutions too.

Top 7 Evidence-Based Brain Supplements (That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of)

Improve your memory, reduce brain fog, and protect your brain from disease.

Everyone would love to do these things (unless they are crazy).​​​​

There are 7 supplements that can do this, and they are backed by science. ​​

Not run-of-the-mill supplements, but ones you’ve probably never heard of.

Find out what they are, and what the scientific evidence is, in this eBook.​​​​​​

Sleep With Ease To Beat Back Alzheimer’s Disease

Sleep disorders like sleep apnea have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

They increase your risk of cognitive impairment, and cause brain conditions.

This eBook teaches you everything you need to know about this link.

You’ll learn how sleep changes with Alzheimer’s, get valuable sleep tips if you already have Alzheimer’s, and get expert advice on sleep medications..​​