Newsletter 24-Feb 2024

Today's Newsletter features the following Health eBook Topics:

  • 70% of autoimmune cases are caused by parasites (and cancer too)

  • 18 ways to lower blood pressure naturally (including an Italian spice)

  • Movement exercises for lifelong health and super longevity

  • Protocols to reverse 2 of the most infamous diseases of our time

The Cancer-Parasite Connection

According to Dr. Bryan Ardis, 70% of autoimmune cases in patients that he saw in his medical practice were actually caused by parasites.

There is a hidden link with parasites and most diseases, including cancer.

​​​​These parasites steal your nutrition, expel their toxins, and breed diseases.

​​Apart from symptoms like abdominal cramping, recurrent diarrhea, unexplained dizziness and weakness, you may never notice they are there.

This eBook covers all the details between the Cancer-Parasite connection.

As well as the other diseases parasites cause, and research-proven natural detoxification protocols that effective purge your body of parasites.

Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally: 18 Effective Solutions

Want to know 18 different ways to lower your blood pressure naturally?

Including the Italian spice that relaxes blood vessels as much as BP meds.

The summertime snack that can protect your heart health all year long.​​

And the berry family that fends of heart disease by keeping arteries soft.

Movement for Longevity: Top 5 Exercises from Leading Experts

If you are wanting lifelong health and longevity, movement is very important.

This eBook teaches you the most efficient & effective movement strategies.​​

There are activities, exercises, and routines to optimize and maintain health.​​

All exercises are taken from longevity experts and are backed by science.

The Root of All Disease: Natural Protocols that Reverse the Underlying Causes of Autoimmunity and Cancer

Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) have been wreaking havoc on people’s health for years now… and the numbers are only increasing.

They spare nobody, old or young, rich or poor, and cause utter devastation.

Yet we know poor diets, unhealthy habits, and exposure to environmental toxins are the major culprits behind the development of NCDs.

Learn the proven natural protocols to reverse the root causes of two of the most infamous chronic diseases of our time: autoimmune disease & cancer.

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