Newsletter 21-Feb 2024

Today's Newsletter features the following Health eBook Topics:

  • Suppressed and censored remedies proven to beat brain cancer

  • The key nutrients that can prevent heart attacks and strokes

  • 55 top anti-aging experts said these are the best 11 supplements

  • Why cancer rates skyrocketed by 3X (and there’s now turbo cancers)

Beating Brain Cancer: Nicotine & Other Censored Natural Medicines for Tumor Reversal

Among all cancers, brain cancer has one of the highest adult mortality rates.

And numbers are rising, with over 1 million Americans having brain tumors.

But there is hope, with many natural meds being overlooked or suppressed.

This eBook covers these powerful yet censored remedies, including nicotine.

It’s name has been blackened so that people don’t even consider it, but nicotine is actually a substance with incredible tumor reversal abilities.

Key Nutrients to Avoid a Heart Attack or Stroke

Want to know the key nutrients that prevent heart attacks and strokes?

Including the “forgotten” vitamin that slashes your risk of getting stiff arteries​​​​.

The “spark of life” nutrient that is stripped away by cholesterol medications.

And the ​​​​”master orchestrator” mineral that reduces heart disease deaths.

Top 11 Longevity Supplements List

For his longevity summit, Chris Burres interviewed 55 top anti-aging experts.

He asked them what are the best supplements we can take for anti-aging.

There were 11 supplements that had a consensus that they were essential.

Find out what they are in this eBook, and why science says they’re so good.

Cancer Epidemic: The Alarming Rise in Post Vaxx Turbo Cancers – And How to Reverse Them

The Covid jabs have been causing catastrophic harm to those who got them.

According to newly released data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), cancer rates have skyrocketed by 3X from the vaccines.

There is now an epidemic of Post-Vax Turbo Cancers among the vaxxed.

They come on so fast, that they are stage 3 or stage 4 before they are diagnosed, so you NEVER see them coming, and they’re harder to treat.

This eBook examines the alarming surge in post-vaccine turbo cancers, gives the statistical data to prove it’s happening, and real-life case studies.

But most importantly, you’ll learn natural remedies to reverse turbo cancers.

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