Newsletter 19-Jan-2024

Today's Newsletter features the following Health eBook Topics:

  • Why you need to avoid and detox from deadly environmental toxins

  • Eat your way to super immunity, and prevent all sorts of illnesses

  • 30 inflammation fighting superfoods that cut disease at their roots

  • How plants can help you lower disease risk (and even recover too)

Environmental Toxins: The Impact to Your Brain and Body

Reduce your chronic disease risk by banishing: Environmental Toxins

This toxic exposure has a monumental impact on your health.

Once you get rid of these toxins, it will help to prevent most serious chronic diseases, eliminate body pain, skyrocket your energy levels, and much more.

This book is valued at $19.95, but it’s being given away at no cost, for a very limited time only.

9 Best Superfoods for Super Immunity

Discover the 9 best immunity boosting superfoods on the planet.

This free eBook covers the 9 ultimate superfoods which give super immunity.

Plus they are known to lower your risk of all the major modern diseases.​​​​​

Lower your risk of getting heart disease, cancer, diabetes, & Alzheimer’s.​​

30 Inflammation Reducing Super Foods

Reduce your chronic disease risk by banishing the root cause: Inflammation.

Discover the 30 Inflammation-Fighting Foods that will help to prevent most serious diseases, eliminate body pain, and skyrocket your energy levels.

This book is valued at $19.95, but it’s being given away at no cost, for a very limited time only.

5 Secrets You Don't Know About a Plant Based Diet

Discover the best kept secrets to improving your health, in this eBook.

Learn how a plant based diet can lower your risk of many chronic diseases.

It can give you temporary recover from illnesses, and make you feel better.​​

All of this is presented in this eBook, along with the science to back it up.