Newsletter 16-Mar 2024

Today's Newsletter features the following Health eBook Topics:

  • 15 amazing (yet simple) recipes that can reverse heart disease

  • The device that fixes neurological disorders and pain conditions

  • The 7 day challenge that gives you a major boost in overall health

  • Safe method for talking to family about their Alzheimer’s / dementia

Heart Healthy Recipe Guide

Did you know that you can eat your way to having a healthy heart?

Heart disease is the #1 killer in the world, and it’s caused by what we eat.

You can stop the progression of heart disease by cutting out the wrong foods from your diet, but you can also heal it by eating the right heart healing food.

​​​​Discover 15 simple recipes in this eBook that have the power to heal and return your heart to a healthy state.

Using PEMF Devices for the Management of Neurological Disorders and Pain Conditions

There’s an emerging innovative approach shown to help with neurological disorders, and it’s right at your fingertips.

It’s time to break free from your condition and regain control of your life.

PEMF devices have proven to give relief from neurological disorders and pain conditions.

This groundbreaking guide covers everything you need to know about how this new therapy can help you find relief.

It dives into the science and addresses common concerns you may have about the technology.

PLANTSTRONG Seven-Day Challenge Guide

Rip Esselstyn invites you to embrace a life-changing philosophy for 7 days.

​​He is a celebrated health activist, food writer, former firefighter & triathlete, and strong advocate for the PLANTSTRONG diet and lifestyle movement.

It’s more than a diet change, but a total lifestyle transformation that can elevate your health to unprecedented levels.

It is 7 days so it’s sufficiently long enough to allow you to experience the benefits of the PLANTSTRONG diet, but short enough so anyone can do it.

​​You can expect to see weight loss, a boost in energy levels, and a reduction in risk for chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

This eBook contains an array of fresh recipes, resources, exclusive bonuses, and everything you need to give PLANTSTRONG a try for 7 days.

Rip is positive that everyone who tries PLANTSTRONG will love it, so join in.

Marama Conversation Guide

If you have a loved one who is displaying clear signs of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, such as memory or speech problems, talking to them is difficult.

How do you start up a conversation about their cognitive decline, without them being offended, getting angry, or becoming overly emotional?

​​​​This eBook contains the answers you need, giving you compassionate guidance & practical tools to navigate this awkward conversation with ease.

​​It addresses family dynamics, plans for the future, financial considerations, and fosters open and understanding communication between all parties.

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