Newsletter 13-Dec-2023

Today's Newsletter features the following Health eBook Topics:

  • A muscle pain and recovery drink that’s better than protein powders

  • Want to start fasting (for it’s benefits) but don’t know where to start?

  • A simple diet tweak that lowers cognitive & memory decline by 50%

  • Hidden culprits in your home that cause ED (it’s not your fault)

5 Anti-Inflammatory Drinks You Can Sip All Day Long

Inflammation ages you faster than smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol.

But there are 5 natural drinks that can instantly calm your inflammation.

If you are an orange juice drinker, you’ll ​​​​​​love this concoction, where you sprinkle another fruit on top (it’s approved by Harvard University).

And if you are a gym junkie who takes protein powders, there’s something better that speeds up recovery and prevents muscle soreness.

Plus there are another 3 more in this eBook, that’s normally valued at $27.

Fasting Transformation Kickstart Guide

Ready to earn the incredible benefits of fasting, but not sure where to start?​​​

This detailed 53-page guide covers intermittent, partial and extended fasting.

You’ll learn how to prepare your body for a successful fast, what you can eat on a water-only fast, and 12 strategies to get ready for an extended fast.

It also covers supplements, telling you what to use, and what to avoid.

And there’s an extensive FAQ covering the most commonly asked questions.​​​​​​

20 Mushrooms and Herbs to Improve Memory and Prevent Dementia & Alzheimer's

Mushrooms and herbs contain many natural healing properties, but they can be very good for improving memory, and preventing dementia & Alzheimer’s.

For example, scientists in Singapore found that seniors who made a simple tweak to their diet, had 50% lower risk of cognitive and memory decline.

There is one exotic mushroom with 3 critical vitamins for lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia, and you’ve probably got it in your backyard.

Plus, the world’s most powerful stress-busting herb also increases blood flow, prevents inflammation, and reduces damage caused by free radicals.

Learn about these 3 (and another 17) in this fungtastic eBook valued at $27.​​​​​​​​

Top 10 Boner Killers Hiding In Your Home

ED and the performance of your Johnson isn’t always related to your health.

There are a few hidden culprits in your home that impact your main member.​​

Seemingly innocent items can cause you to not be able to get it up.

From alcohol and smoking to mouthwash and shopping receipts, this eBook covers all the items in your house that effect if your homeboy can get erect.