Newsletter 11-Mar 2024

Today's Newsletter features the following Health eBook Topics:

  • 4 (must stop) habits that steal your energy and make you age faster

  • How to reduce both blood pressure and cholesterol in just 3 weeks

  • 2 danger foods that impact your brain and cause cognitive decline

  • Tasty recipes that reverse heart disease (& the science behind them)

5 Hacks to Turn Back Time on Your Skin & Energy

​​There are 4 habits that steal your energy and guarantee you’ll age faster.

There is a rejuvenating drink that boosts cell function & keeps skin youthful.​​

There is a superfood that reduces free radical damage and increases energy.​​

Discover these habits, drink, superfood & more in this eBook, valued at $27.

Transformation 20: Blood Pressure & Cholesterol

High blood pressure and high cholesterol.

They words are way too often used by doctors, giving news to their patients.

For most people, it’s a daunting task to get these numbers down.

But, it’s actually possible to see major improvements in less than 3 weeks.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman has designed a brilliant program that allows you to do this.

Grab your copy of his Transformation 20 eBook now, and reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol in under 3 weeks.

Top 3 Factors that Accelerate Your Brain Decline

There are 3 main factors that make your brain deteriorate at a faster rate.

These include 2 “danger” foods that significantly impact brain function, cause cognitive decline, depression and anxiety (but there are alternatives).

How much you move has a huge impact, as a sedentary life can be deadly.

Then there’s stressors of the emotional kind, that actually damage the brain.​​​​​​

​​Learn the factors that accelerate brain decline in this eBook, valued at $27. ​​

Top-Tasting Recipes to Reverse Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US, and it’s linked to diet.

Groundbreaking research from The Journal of the American Heart Association revealed the diet that gives a clear path to good heart health.

If the diet is rich in plant-based foods and low in commercially grown animal products​​, it reduces the risk of developing and dying from heart disease.

​​Hear inspiring success stories, evidence-based research, and mouthwatering whole-food recipes that are delicious and heart healthy.

These dishes will lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and put you on the path to a vibrant life that is free from heart disease.

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